Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Senator Garage-Golden Eagle Gas

Upper:The old Senator Garage building, 521 C Street was built in 1915
and is on the list of historical sites and buildings in West Sacramento.
Photo by D. Norton Johnson.
Lower: Senator Garage Gas Pumps.
Golden Eagle was the California brand for
Wasatch Oil Company of Utah which was later acquired by Ultramar. Photo by Christy Jourdan.

1 comment:

  1. The Senator Garage was owned and built by my grand aunt Isabelle "Belle" Parkinson. Her husband, my grand uncle Bill Parkinson, operated the gas station.

    Belle and Bill lived in the house next door, which was also owned and built by Belle.

    Belle was very active in city affairs during the early days of Broderick, and was past president of the Washington/Broderick PTA in the early 1900's.

    There is a massive, beautiful, old walnut tree on the property that was planted by Bill Parkinson and his brother Asa Parkinson. Asa grew the tree from a walnut that he had put a nail through and then let sprout in a glass of water. It is the most amazing tree I have ever seen. They planted the tree in the 1920's or 1930's.

    C. Parkinson
