Monday, October 1, 2007

CDPB Theme Day October 1st: "Cemeteries and Tombstones"

City Daily Photoblog theme for October 1st is "Cemeteries and Tombstones". Since West Sacramento does not have an official cemetery or burial ground (that I know of) I went across the river to the City of Sacramento for my photo.

John A. Sutter, Jr., the founder and planner of the City of Sacramento died in Acapolco in 1897 while serving as American Consul. His remains were moved to the Sacramento City Cemetery in 1964.

His father Capt. John A. Sutter, Sr. is buried in Lititz, Pennsylvania. Photos by Barbara Smith

You can see other photos of this historical cemetery posted in my album on Webshots.


  1. So is Snr the one Sutter St in San Francisco is named after?

    Sydney Daily Photo

  2. That's quite a memorial tribute from his daughter.

  3. Very interesting narrative and photos. Thanks to Capt Sutter there is a beautiful graveyard.

  4. One wonders how other cities got the land to use as cemeteries?

  5. Nice monument to the man who donated the cemetery land.

  6. Very nice, and the background with the different levels of land, makes it all the more interesting.
