Friday, January 18, 2008

"Flocked" by Church Lady-Pass it on!

A "Flock of Pink Flamingos" were sighted on several lawns this week. Members of the First Baptist Church of West Sacramento are sponsoring a fundraiser to help with expenses for their mission team's travel to Africa. Wayne & Denise Duncan were responsible for a "Flocking" at the Merica's house on Wednesday. Photo by Christy

Top photo is of Debbie's house after they were "Flocked" by Chris & Luba Merica...uhm...wonder who is next?


  1. How funny! My hubby and I saw a lawn this week in Susanville that was flocked. I see its a popular fundraiser!

  2. One of our neighbors got flocked last year as well!

  3. Very inventive plus hilarious. It's a great play on words. I've often been tempted to put these on lawns of friends as a birthday wish, but never had the nerve. Now I wonder if this will spread across the country?

  4. We done this with our church as well - very popular! Great fun!
