Thursday, January 3, 2008

Woody has a sweet tooth?`

Joan's Monkey Bread was really a hit on New Year's Day at our family's annual "eat-fest and game marathon". Even Woody was spotted trying to tear off a chunk of the cinnamon-scented pull-apart.

All kidding aside, we take our New Year's Day tradition very seriously...gathering at Kathye's house at 11:00 AM for brunch, followed by the informal gift exchange for all the cousins. Then it came time to breakout the potluck appetizers for munching while starting the games (this year we had two Nintendo Wii setups) and then about 5:00 Kathye pulled out the lasagna from the oven. Following the second serving of Theresa's home baked black bottom cupcakes, the conversation shifted to about when we were going to start the diet and exersize plans for the new year. Posted by Barbara.