Saturday, February 9, 2008

UC Davis Double-Decker Bus

West Sacramento Early College Prep: Hoping to give underserved kids a head-start on college, UC Davis has joined with Sacramento City College and the Washington Unified School District to launch an innovative charter school housed in a wing of the Evergreen Elementary School campus in West Sacramento.

Trivia: I will really miss campus life when I retire...the new crop of beautiful bright-eyed students each year, the food at the Student Union, the campus artwork, the bicyclers, doubledeckers, backpackers and the Whole Earth Festival each spring. The longer I'm on campus the more I grow to love it. It is amazing how many faculty retire, but keep coming back to work for no salary. I doubt there are many professions that can claim this unusual loyalty.
Post by Barbara


  1. Used to ride on these in Belfast, Northern Ireland!! What a lot of fun for the kids!


    Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.

  2. Half of my CalPERS retirement is based on 16 years at CSU-Sacramento. Academia does have its lifelong rewards with wonderful memories galore.

    Unitrans is celebrating its 40-year anniversary this month, and if you live in this area, you might want to participate in some of the festivities.
