Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Our Busy Bees

Last weekend I used my new telephoto lens to catch these busy bees as they worked to collect the sweet offerings from my potato vine flowers.


  1. Beautiful photography! So crisp, so clear!

  2. Nice work. I am surprised you had to use the telephoto lens, but you used it really well to capture these shots. You got a lot of detail in the last one too.

    I can't hold my camera still enough so either use a tripod, monopod or the macro lens with IS.

    Nice photography.

  3. The bottom photo is my favorite. You had to be really close even with a telephote.

  4. That bee is big enough to pick the flower and fly off with it! When our patio privet "tree" blooms soon it should be filled with as many bees as blooms. However, last year we noticed a distinct decline from years past.


  5. Awesome photo! Are these the bees that our cell phones are killing?
