Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Kid's Fishing Derby

Hal, Jack & Madison show off their prizes from the annual Kids Fishing Derby that was held on Saturday at Rancho Seco Park. There were 40 contestants and many mentors in this annual event sponsored by the West Sacramento Moose Lodge. ~ Debbie


  1. It is neat for the children to have an annual fishing derby. We even have one here sponsored by the police department. The police spend most of the day trying to untangle lines and retrieve hooks in trees. In the end, most kids get a prize and now and then one is awarded to a parent who turned loopy.

  2. Fun!!! Susanville's kids fishing derby was today also. Next week is that adult derby. I had no desire to get out of bed at 5 am and by the time I checked it out at 9 everything was pretty much wrapped up.
