These classic cars are on their way to Whitey's Jolly Kone for their Thursday Night Gig. When I was a teenager there was a car club in West Sacramento called the Challengers. The guys all had cool hot rods that had a sign in their back window that said "Challengers"-- it was the time of American Graffiti.
~ Barbara
Cathy writes:
"When I was in high school Mike Zimmerman was the president of the Challengers. I remember going to a dance that was held at the El Rancho Hotel put on by the Challengers and
Ray Peterson was there singing Corina, Corina. I was real shy then and he came up to me while singing and asked me to dance with him, of course I froze and clung to my chair."
This will be such a familiar scene to you, but it jumps out at me. It's just so American, from the cars to the big sky, and wide roads. It's the good times at the cinema watching american classics. So for that, for me, it's a wondeful photo.