Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Work of Art: The Sacramento River Water Intake Structure

An enormous silver feather wind sculpture created by Phill Evans, sits on top of the main building of the Sacramento River Water Intake Structure on Jibboom Street, at the Sacramento River.
A circular plaque on the floor under the rotunda reads: “Tracing rivers to their fountains makes the most charming of travels. As the life blood of the landscapes, the best of wilderness comes to their banks, and not one dull passage is found in all their eventful histories.” John Muir

"Eight pumps inside the 12,000-square-foot building divert up to 160 million gallons of water a day to the Sacramento Water District...this new intake structure replaced a nearby 1924 treatment plant. All of the artworks reference the allure of the water, and the vistas from atop this 40-foot-high perch are remarkable." ~ Barbara

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