Fires burning throughout Northern and Central California continue to blow smoke into the Sacramento region. The fire situation in California remains critical where 32 fires have burned 271,576 acres.
The weather-folks say the smoke will continue to hang over us through the weekend.... but, with luck a breeze may bring some relief to the unhealthy air we are breathing. ~Barbara
These warnings come from the Sac Metro Air Quality Management District:
- Everyone should avoid outdoor activities if you can see or smell smoke, even if you’re healthy
- Children, the elderly and people with respiratory or heart conditions should be particularly careful to avoid exposure
- Stay indoors with doors and windows closed as much as possible
- Asthmatics should follow their asthma management plan
- Contact your doctor if you have symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms you believe to be caused by smoke
- Those with heart disease should especially limit their smoke exposure since PM can cause heart attacks
I wish I could send you some water and fresh air. Hang in there!