Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rehearsing for Lissett's Quinceanera

Lissett Lara (top photo) is turning 15 in August, and she's busy preparing for her Quinceanera! Getting ready for the Quinceanera Celebration, Lissett and her attendants practice the waltz (middle photo). Perlita and Eric (bottom photo) practice the waltz for Lissett's Quinceanera!

Lissett and her attendants will be rehearsing twice a week through July and into August to be ready for the big event. ~ Photos by Christy


  1. We are fortunate to live in a city of cultural diversity. It is lovely to see these traditions being carried on by this generation. Congratulations, Lissett!

  2. OMGosh, I've seen many a Quinceanera, but had never heard of learning to dance for it! That is so special. I hope you'll share a photo when the big day arrives. This is too cute!
    Seattle Daily Photo
