Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dead Cat Alley

On May 7, 1962, the Woodland City Council officially named the alley "Dead Cat Alley", but the true origin of the name is still unknown. ~ Barbara

Trivia: The site of Old China Town is on Dead Cat Alley as well as the Chicago Cafe, one of Yolo City's (as Woodland was known in 1853) oldest businesses.
For more information about this historical landmark that runs through the downtown section of Woodland, CA see the Dead Cat Alley: History.


  1. Now that is odd, espceailly next to the one way sign. The more you learn aabout the place you live the stranger it beocmes.

  2. je découvre ton blog, et j'adore ce panneau de rue ;o)).

    I discovered your blog, and I love this panel street ;o))
