Monday, July 21, 2008

First Political Yard Signs Sighted

The presidential race is heating up so I imagine we'll be seeing many more yard signs to come.~ Barbara


  1. Our area is very big for Republicans, but I have already seen a sign for Obama. Lets hope thats a good sign.

  2. I've also seen lots of those signs, which is interesting, because I, too, live in a very Republican state.

  3. we have had obama signs in people's yards since before the ohio primary! folks have just left them up - which I'm happy to see.

    although I live in a red state, the cleveland area is blue! and I'm an all blue girl! but we are hopeful that we'll be seeing blue statewide this year! we can't afford to have 4 years of mcsame

  4. It makes me happy to see OBAMA signs!
