Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Remembering the Watermelon Bust

This watermelon truck parked in the grocery store parking lot brought back memories of when I was a kid and the farmers would drive into town with a load of watermelons on their big truck and park at the end of our block and sell them for $1.00 each. My dad would buy several then all the neighbors would get together and have a watermelon "bust". Simply, Dad would drop the melon from several feet off the ground and it would burst open and then we would tear off pieces and eat till we were so full, then everyone would lie down on the grass and look up at the sky and ask the eternal question...."if we swallow the watermelon seeds, would they sprout in our stomach"...of course that was before the genetic development of the seedless watermelon...
~ Barbara


  1. WE have done things like that but we did eat the busted pieces. Those days it seems to me the watermelons were a lot sweeter and a lot riper than anything available these days.

    Abraham Lincoln
    —Brookville Daily Photo

  2. Thanks for bringing back memories. I've tried to explain to my daughter how we used to spit the seeds out and have contests to see who could land their seed the farthest. Seedless has changed that.

  3. Just goes to show that genetic development limits the number of nice conversation topics available.
