Friday, August 22, 2008

SkyWatch Friday--the eve of the full moon

Visit this website to see other participants in SkyWatch Friday.

The night before the full moon. This photo was shot in my backyard about 11:00 PM on Friday, August 15, 2008. I setup my tripod and experimented with the settings on my Nikon...! After about 100 shots...I picked this one as my favorite...~Barbara


  1. Every thing is better when taken with a Nikon, isn't it. Oh man, I gotta get me one of those.

  2. ....beautiful....

    Want to see how the Mumbai sky looked this morning at 0644hrs? Click here

  3. Love this glorious midnight blue! Stunning pic!

  4. Wow, for the sake of Sky Watch, you really went all out!!! 100 shots of the sky? Wow, that's what I would call determination and fully committed! Great shot, Barbara!!!

    Happy SkyWatch Friday!!

  5. I'd say all that work paid off, so nicely done. A little spooky too. The colors and composition are great.
    Happy weekend!

  6. That is a really lovely shot Barbara. The leaves and the light on the clouds make it really great.

  7. Wow! Great shot!

    Would you consider allowing me use of it on a website if I acknowledge that it is yours, possibly with a link to your blog ?

    It is of interest to me for a website I am planning which is intended for generating leads in a new job I am just starting, which is designing sunroom additions.
    My budget for this project is very limited so paying for rights to use it would not work for me.
    I'd like to have the website functioning within the next several weeks.

    Please say yes!

