Tuesday, August 5, 2008

West Sacramento Photo of the Day is One- year old

The West Sacramento Photo of the Day team is celebrating our first anniversary. Photo by Christy

When we started this photoblog one year ago I had no idea how much fun it would be and that it would also be a resource to others. We are flattered and excited to announce that The City of West Sacramento has included 13 of our blog photos in the recently published General Plan Update. Thanks to our "Blaudience" for visiting and reading our blogs, viewing our photos and posting your comments. Here is to another year! ~ Barbara


  1. I hadn't realized this blog was so young.....CONGRATULATIONS! I have it in my Links, and on a Toolbar. I never miss a day, and hope all of you can find the time to continue indefinitely.

    From a very satisfied West Sacramento resident.

  2. Happy Anniversary! I love the blog and have really enjoyed venturing out and finding things to photograph for the blog. Here's to another year and may we get even more creative!

  3. Congratulations!
    Berautiful pictures here! I just discovered your blog, but will try to get here regularly...

  4. félicitation et merci pour ce mot sur la plage. très bonne idée.
    congratulations and thank you for this word on the beach. very good idea.

  5. Happy anniversary! It is quite an accomplishment to make it through the year...keep them coming! :)

  6. Yey!!! How great is that? Such a cute post for your 1 year anniversary.

  7. Congratulations!!! Many more happy posts to come I hope. :)

  8. Congrats, and THANK YOU for providing such a diverse and multi-faceted view of our community.

    "I wish that all of nature's magnificence, the emotion of the land, the living energy of place could be photographed." Annie Leibovitz

  9. congrats on a year and having your photos used by the city. Pretty neat huh?
