Thanks to Terri Tanner for sharing this picture from her recent trip to New York City. The now damaged Sphere, created in 1971 by artist Fritz Koenig, once stood in the fountain of the World Trade Center plaza now stands in Battery Park.
More from the Battery Park Website:"In Battery Park, a now-damaged sculpture called The Sphere, which stood in the fountain of the World Trade Center plaza, forms a memorial. Sphere has been stored by the Port Authority in a hangar at Kennedy Airport since the piece was pulled from underneath the collapsed towers. It was one of two public artworks found in the debris. The memorial was inaugurated at a ceremony marking six months since the attack. "Created in 1971 by artist Fritz Koenig, The Sphere was described as "a monument fostering world peace." The 45,000-pound sculpture is 15 feet in diameter and is made of steel and bronze. It sustained a gash through its center, but remains structurally intact."
We all should pray for World Peace !! Great post..Unseen Rajasthan