Saturday, December 19, 2009

Redskins Football Team

Thank you Hollis Blevins for this photo of the Redskins Football Team. 1977-78 The Redskins were the West Sac Midget Pop Warner team.
In this photo: Fred Gusta, Coach Brooks, Michael Scott Funkner (photos), Marty Ynostrosa, Anthony Ramirez, Bobby Stephens, Vega, Andy Ramirez, Hollis Blevins, Dale Calis, Noss, Harry Noss, Roy Sneider, Steve Bacon, Chris Lacombe, Ed Redmond, Randy Funkner


  1. Wow that that was some time ago, those where some fun times.
    This was actually the Pop Warner Bantam football team in 1978.
    Also in this picture is: Jonny Linker, Rusty Williams, and Glen Langley.

    Chris Lacomb

    1. Wow!! That’s amazing! I was just reminiscing myself about my 1977 West Sacramento Redskins Peewee team! I wish I could see our team picture and players names! If anyone has a copy please send to
