Monday, February 22, 2010

More signs of spring-- how do you say it.. achoo, atchoo, achew, and atishoo?

Thank you Janine Vine for sharing this photo of her backyard in bloom. Our city of West Sacramento has so many beautiful trees in bloom right now.. How we love spring...achoo, atchoo, achew, and atishoo!


  1. These blossoms are so delicate and pretty!

  2. West Sacramento has some of the best trees for spring time.

  3. Love the blooms, but hate the acute allergy attack the last 2 days! Nice pic, Niece!

  4. I have a tree just like this one. So beautiful now. In a few days, I'll hose all the blossoms off so no fruit will follow. I get tired of squirrels and fruit on the ground. Today, the trees look like brides.

  5. Neat to know removing the blooms prevents fruit...thanks for the tip

  6. Wow, don't we love to see all the beautiful blossoms this time of year. They are breathtaking. Then come the plump, juicy plums. Yummy. Mom
