Thursday, May 13, 2010

2010 Civic Leadership Awards

Mayor Christopher Cabaldon posed with the 2010 Civic Leadership Award Winners Thomas Amsler, Carlos Machado (Community-Google Fiber for West Sacramento) Cathy Lorda (Service-Children's Librarian) Barbara Smith (Pride-West Sacramento Photo of the Day) and Danny Luna ( The awards were presented at the annual Mayor's State of the City Address sponsored by the West Sacramento Chamber of Commerce.


  1. Our city is amazing, and it's the combination of our fantastic citizens and our inspiring leader(s) that make it so. Congrats to all those honored, but a special WHAT WHAT to Barbara Smith, for showing us where we've been and where we are going. Congrats, Mom!

  2. Congrats on your award Barbara - What a great achievement and hats off to West Sacramento for recognizing you - well deserved.

  3. Best wishes for your certificate. A shame more councils don't recognise the work and dedication that goes into running a blog.
