Sunday, September 23, 2012

Birthday Bash for Russ Solomon - 87 Years Strong!

Russell Solomon and friends gathered to celebrate his 87th birthday last night at the Elkhorn Saloon on the Old River Road in West Sacramento. Russ was born  in Sacramento in 1925 and was founder of the world-wide music store empire Tower Records. How many of you had your first job at the old Tower Records Warehouse in West Sacramento. Photo Courtesy of Kiny McCarrick.


  1. I worked at Bayside (Tower Records) and I worked in accts payable. I miss working at Tower Records on Del Monte st, w sacto.

  2. I worked at the store on Broadway, in video. One day Mr. Solomon came in without ID, I had never seen him in my life. His rental card was blank and unsigned. He was wearing a sweat suit, carrying no wallet. I thought he was a transient who'd stolen a blank card, and I asked to see his ID. He smiled and said, "Oh, I think you know me..." and handed me his ID. I felt pretty stupid - there was his picture, on the cover of Rolling Stone, framed and hanging in my boss Jerry Pompei's office. And that's him in your picture.

    Thanks for this blog, I enjoy it. I left West Sac years ago, glad to be gone, but it's nice for some memories.
