Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Washington Little League Volunteers Circa 1960

Thank you Linda Balakin Boerlin for sharing this great photo of some of the parents and volunteers working on the Washingon Little League ball field. Per Linda "This pic was in the News Ledger circa 1960’s.   I believe it was a work party at the baseball diamond. I don’t know all the men but recognize Ernie Otten, Sam Tripp,  Dave Meza, and possibly Don Kimbrell and Bob Horrel. The original Washington Little League Diamonds were located next door to the Broderick Post Office on Sacramento Avenue.

On Saturday, March 7th, 2015 at 9:00 AM  there will be a Field Work Day at Washington Little League diamonds (Alyce Norman-Bryte Little League Fields at Todhunter and Carrie Street. Bring your shovels and garden tools with you if you are interested in giving them a hand. See more on their Facebook page. This year, the West Sacramento Little League will be inter-leaguing with Washington Little League and also using the Washington Fields for many games since they have too many teams to play only at Memorial Park.

Washington Little League Volunteers Circa 1960

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