"Subtile" created by Czech artist Federico Diaz. This kinetic sculpture shimmers and shakes along the river bank in West Sacramento and is coated with more than 34,000 stainless steel disks. It measures 26 feet long, 20 feet high and 6 feet wide. While I stood mesmerized by this beautiful art piece, the wind came up and the sculpture's sound and movement reminded me of the Quaking Aspens we loved when I was a kid growing up in Idaho. Take a walk on the river walk soon...
Friday, March 23, 2018
Friday, March 16, 2018
Culinary Arts and Farm to Fork Education (CAFFE) in West Sacramento
The Beginning and Advanced Culinary Classes served brunch today at the Bryte Garden Cafe. The presentation was beautiful, the service was excellent and the food was delicious. It was great to meet the students and the folks who supervise this career training program for Washington Unified School District: Cheryle Sutton Culinary Instructor, Renee Collins Director of College and Career Readiness and Andy Parsons Assistant Superintendent Educational Services. For more information check out their website CAFFE.
Monday, March 5, 2018
Wide Open Walls Mural Celebrates Lady Bird
The" Lady Bird" mural created by visual artist Maren Conrad is located at 16th and I streets in Sacramento. It was finished just in time to celebrate Greta Gerwig's Academy Award Nomination for her locally filmed movie Lady Bird. Thank you Christy and Maya for dashing over to get this photo for us before our family Red Carpet Gala Party.
Read more about the Wide Open Walls project.