
The Port of Sacramento, Whitey's Jolly Kone, The Tower Bridge, 1000 Rooms, Raley Field,
The River Walk, The Ziggurat Building, Vince's and The Club Pheasant...
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Nice to see your collage! I suppose when I think of WEST Sacramento, it's sort of in a "not Sacramento" way.
nice photo - i love the pyramid shaped building...
Nice collage.
You covered it well! (And not one photo of the Governator.)
Port Angeles Daily Photo
another collage!
thanks for showing us faces of West Sacramento!
Looks all very American - good images
Great collection of photos.
I love your blog, it's inspiring me to do something similar. I grew up in Sacramento years ago. I know there are lots of new things in West Sac and I love it that you are embracing and illumninating your communnity.
I'm thinking of doing it myself. My actual town is Lake Forest Park WA. That would be quite challenging as the area is so small...Shoreline/Lake Forest Park would be more appropriate.
Great group of photos! Happy Theme Day!
Wonderful, representative collage of your city!
Thank you for celebrating West Sacramento. Your affection for this town comes through in your photos.
what a great collage!!!!
What a great collage! Love it.
Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.
Thanks for posting all those photos. They make me miss Sacramento :D
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
When I think of West Seattle, I think of how dang hot it gets in the summertime, and that means that I would head on over the Whitey's Jolly Cone first thing when I hit town, and come sundown, I'd go along the river walk. Thoughtful collage for our theme day!
Seattle Daily Photo
'Bout time I saw a picture of Whitey's and Club Pheasant! I was looking and looking and couldn't imagine them being left out. How about some pictures around the Park Boulevard area? Or down by the high school? I graduated when it was still James Marshall HS. How about the Little League ballpark? Or Circle Park? Some of us old-timers like the older areas and are not thrilled about all the new development.
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