Sunday, January 20, 2008

Goodbye to Miss Sophia

We said goodbye to our good friend Sophie on Thursday. This photo was taken in September when she was still feeling pretty chipper for an old girl.

Being an extremely shy person, she spent many of her 16+ years in the shadows. Most folks who came to our house never saw her, because she would stay hidden until they left. Sharing in the mystique of Greta Garbo, Sophie just "wanted to be let alone". So, we respected her privacy until the end, only now publishing her photo for posterity.

How did she come to live with us? Scott came home from a friend's house and told us they had a really cute Calico kitten in the litter and he wanted to adopt her. Already the mother of 2 dogs, I hesitantly agreed -so Tom took Scott to pickup the kitten, but when they came home they had two cats -seemed that if we wanted the Calico--we had to take one of the males too...So that is the story of how Sophia (Sophie) and Robert (Bob) came to the live with the Smith-Bartley's.
(19 Jan 08)


Janet said...

So sorry for your loss of this beautiful feline. It is so hard to lose a pet. Our oldest cat is now 11 and almost as large as your Sophie.

Troop 1309 said...

I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. They are such a wonderful part of our lives.

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

She was gorgeous. Bob will miss her so much, you all will. I never feel sorry when pets/people die because I truly believe that they go to a better place, but I know how hard it is to lose a loved one. My heart goes to you, Barbara.

Jim Klenke said...

Sorry Sophie is no longer with you. She was very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how that grieves. In the past 24 years we've adopted and lost (to old age and illness), five of the most treasured kitties imaginable. We decided "no more", but in 2006 we adopted two litter mates from Happy Tails. Our home without feline companions is just not complete.

West Sacramento