Saturday, October 20, 2007

Myms in a Pympkyn

A cleverly cut pumpkin centerpiece. Our family is filled with artistic and creative people. Just ask me...Photo by Barbara


Mike's Travels said...

he he! What a great use for a pumpkin!

Quick Snap 365

Gerald (SK14) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

A creative vase!

Janet said...


Anonymous said...

This is really clever.

Viola said...

Smart usage of pumpkin!

Gerald (SK14) said...

Today's post on Hyde Daily Photo is Pumpkins Galore and I've included links to more than sixty pumpkin posts on blogs around the world including your own. Happy halloween to everyone.

Anonymous said...

what a great picture & idea..
Happy Halloween
cheers from Canada

Neva said...

Somebody has WAAYYY too much time on their hands!! Lovely idea for a lovely display!!